try - except
' constructs from C++ (or Java, etc.) code and we all know what this construct is used for. However, I will try to take us deeper into the underlying exception handling mechanism in this post.
Structured Exception Handling aka SEH
The MSDN definition of SEH is "Structured exception handling is a mechanism for handling both hardware and software exceptions. Therefore, your code will handle hardware and software exceptions identically. Structured exception handling enables you to have complete control over the handling of exceptions, provides support for debuggers, and is usable across all programming languages and machines." We will not cover hardware exceptions here, instead we are going to see how the software side is implemented.
is based on frames. Each frame represents an instance of EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION
and has the following format:
where prev
is a pointer to previously defined Exception Registration and handler
is a
pointer to
exception handler - a function that is invoked when exception occurs. Due to the nature of SEH, when you register an
exception handler within a function, you have to unregister it before you leave that function. However, you do not
have to bother yourself with this if you are writing in high level language such as C++. In this case all these
operations are inserted by the compiler and are totally transparent to you - the developer.
If you ever took a look at a function that uses exception handling in disassembler, you probably saw something like this:
push pointer_to_exception_handler push dword [FS:0] mov [FS:0], ESP
frames are created. The first thing is to store the address
of the function we want to be called when an exception occurs (pointer_to_exception_handler
). This
address is stored
on stack. The next step - we store the address of current record. [FS:0]
points to the beginning of the
Information Block) structure, where the first cell contains the address of the latest exception registration record
added. Finally, we have to store the address of the exception registration record we have recently added. As it has
been already mentioned, the address of the topmost EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION
structure is stored at [FS:0]
thus, as
our ESP
register points exactly at it, we simply move it to [FS:0]
We are done. Now our function is the first that would gain control should in case of exception.
The following set of operations removes the topmost EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION
record from the chain:
mov ESP,[FS:0] ;this should not be needed pop dword [FS:0] add ESP, 4
Exception Handler
Exception Handler is an application defined function/code (unless the handler resides in one of the loaded DLLs, in which case it is not defined by the application) which is intended to fix the situation that lead to exception, if possible. In most cases, such function would simply abort the operation that raised the exception. The definition of such function should be as follows:
LONG CALLBACK ExceptionHandler(
__in PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInformation);
is a pointer to EXCEPTION_POINTERS
structure which, in turn,
contains all the information
about the exception and the state of the process at the time of exception. The fields are pointers to
structures respectively. The following is the declaration of
describes the exception that was raised and caused the invocation of our handler. It
contains the
following data:
typedef struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD { DWORD ExceptionCode; DWORD ExceptionFlags; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord; PVOID ExceptionAddress; DWORD NumberParameters; ULONG_PTR ExceptionInformation[EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS]; } EXCEPTION_RECORD, *PEXCEPTION_RECORD;
You may find the full description of this structure here.
is much more interesting as it provides us with fill description of the state of the
process right at
the moment the exception was raised. It is relatively hard to find its detailed description on the internet,
although, MSDN provides us with some information. In either case, here is the declaration of this structure as I use
it in my assembly code (FASM syntax):
struc CONTEXT { ;Field Offset .ContextFlags dd ? ;0x00 ;Debug registers .Dr0 dd ? ;0x04 .Dr1 dd ? ;0x08 .Dr2 dd ? ;0x0C .Dr3 dd ? ;0x10 .Dr6 dd ? ;0x14 .Dr7 dd ? ;0x18 ;FPU data .FloatSave FLOATING_SAVE_AREA ;0x1C ;Segment registers .SegGs dd ? ;0x8C .SegFs dd ? ;0x90 .SegEs dd ? ;0x94 .SegDs dd ? ;0x98 ;General purpose registers .Edi dd ? ;0x9C .Esi dd ? ;0xA0 .Ebx dd ? ;0xA4 .Edx dd ? ;0xA8 .Ecx dd ? ;0xAC .Eax dd ? ;0xB0 .Ebp dd ? ;0xB4 .Eip dd ? ;0xB8 ;CS register .SegCs dd ? ;0xBC ;EFlags register .EFlags dd ? ;0xC0 ;Stack pointer .Esp dd ? ;0xC4 ;Stack segment register .SegSs dd ? ;0xC8 }
It, somehow, appears to be that it is even harder to find the description of the FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
structure then the description of the CONTEXT
structure, but our will is our limit, so here is the
declaration of FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
struc FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { ;Field Offset .ControlWord dd ? ;0x00 .StatusWord dd ? ;0x04 .TagWord dd ? ;0x08 .ErrorOffset dd ? ;0x0C .ErrorSelector dd ? ;0x10 .DataOffset dd ? ;0x14 .DataSelector dd ? ;0x18 .RegisterArea rb 80 ;0x1C .Cr0NpxState dd ? ;0x6C }
But let us get back to the CONTEXT
structure. It not only provides us with a clear picture of what is
going on in the
process, but also represents a powerful tool for us to manipulate the environment. For instance, we may alter the
content of the EIP
register and this would cause the program to continue from a different place when it
control again. We can check whether our program is being debugged by checking the values of debug registers (a well
known anti-debugging trick) and so on.
Once we are done with our handler, we should return one of the following values:
- this would tell the operating system to pass control back to our program;EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH (0x0)
- this, in turn, would signal the operating system that the exception has not been handled by this handler and it should try other handlers in the chain.
Vectored Exception Handling
Vectored Exception Handling
is defined as an extension to SEH
. One major difference is that
when we register a
vectored handler it is intact throughout the whole process, unlike structured exception handler which may only be
used within a single function.
Unlike SEH, we do not have to manipulate stack or deal with memory allocations, or whatsoever. If we want to add a
vectored exception handler we should simply call the AddVectoredExceptionHandler
PVOID WINAPI AddVectoredExceptionHandler(
__in ULONG FirstHandler,
or RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler
function to remove it:
ULONG WINAPI RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler( __in PVOID Handler );
The AddVectoredExceptionHandler
function returns the handle (or NULL if it failed) to our handler and
accepts the following parameters:
- if this parameter is not zero, then our handler is the first handler to be called or the
last otherwise.
- the address of our handler.
When removing our handler we call the RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler
function passing the previously
obtained handle as a parameter.
The rest is very similar to SEH
except one tiny important thing - although, SEH
and VEH
handlers accept the same parameter (at least according to their declarations) it is not how it really works.
In case of SEH
, the handler receives the pointer to EXCEPTION_POINTERS
structure, whereas
in case of VEH
, the handler receives the EXCEPTION_POINTERS
structure itself on the stack.
Let me show it by a simple example:
SEH stack 0x0006FAA0 0x0006FAA4 ;pointer to EXCEPTION_POINTERS structure 0x0006FAA4 0x0006FAB0 ;pointer to EXCEPTION_RECORD structure 0x0006FAA8 0x0006FC00 ;pointer to CONTEXT structure VEH stack 0x0006FAA0 0x0006FAB0 ;pointer to EXCEPTION_RECORD structure 0x0006FAA4 0x0006FC00 ;pointer to CONTEXT structure
It appears to be that the underlying logic of exception handling in Windows is quite interesting and even more than that, it provides us with additional powerful tools. Being a reverse engineer for the most of my career, I have found that this mechanism provides developers with one of the most basic yet powerful anti-debugging abilities, which are often underestimated.
Hope this post was helpful. See you at the next post!