System Programming Blog
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
Showing 12 posts for tag 'advanced programming technique'
Hiding Injected DLL in Windows
In this article I will cover the easiest way to hide your injected library from the "victim" process. Intentionally or not, but we will have to dive a bit into Windows internals starting with the TIB (Thread Information Block) and ending with good old UNICODE_STRING data structure.
Advanced DLL Injection
In this article I am going to cover such a trivial (as it may seem) subject as DLL injection. For some reason, most of the tutorials on the web only give us a brief coverage of the topic, mostly limited to invocation of LoadLibraryA/W Windows API function in the address space of another process. While this is not bad at all, it gives us the least flexible solution. Meaning that all the logic MUST be hardcoded in the DLL we want to inject. On the other hand, we may incorporate all the configuration management (loading config files, parsing thereof, etc) into our DLL. This is better, but still fills it with code which is only going to run once.

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