System Programming Blog
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
Showing 15 posts for tag 'system programming'
Migrating the System Programming Blog from Blogger
There have been several attempts to revive my blog on system programming. Now, I believe, it's either do it or leave it. I decided to migrate the blog to a new location - my personal website, as the first step, and start spilling the knowledge I've collected over the past decade.
Linux Loadable Kernel Module in Assembly
I have recently seen tones of posts about writing kernel module for a pre-compiled kernel on the Internet. Guys are doing good work, but there is one thing that I personally did not like - they all refer you to the configuration file for such kernel, which may be obtained this way or the other. Well, having configuration of the running kernel makes it almost no different from building a module for a kernel you compiled yourself (just almost). The bottom line - you want something to be done your way, do it yourself.
Passing Events to a Virtual Machine
Virtual machines and Software Frameworks are an initial part of our digital life. There are complex VM and simple Software Frameworks. I did my best to describe the way VM code may interact with native code and the Operating System, however, the backwards interaction is still left unexplained. This article is going to fix this omission.
Simple Runtime Framework by Example
These days we are simply surrounded by different software frameworks. Just to name a few: Java, .Net and, actually, many more. Have you ever wondered how those work or have you ever wanted or needed to implement one? In this article, I will cover a simple or even trivial runtime framework.
Linux Threads Through a Magnifier - Remote Threads
Sometimes, a need may rise to start a thread in a separate process and the need is not necessarily malicious. For example, one may want to replace library functions or to place some code between the executable and a library function. However, Linux does not provide a system call that would do anything similar to CreateRemoteThread Windows API despite the fact that I see people searching for such functionality.

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