System Programming Blog
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
Showing 2 posts for tag 'device drivers'
Hijack Linux System Calls: Part III. System Call Table
This is the last part of the Hijack Linux System Calls series. By now, we have created a simple loadable kernel module which registers a miscellaneous character device. This means, that we have everything we need in order to patch the system call table. Almost everything, to be honest. We still have to fill the our_ioctl function and add a couple of declarations to our source file. By the end of this article we will be able to intercept any system call in our system should there be a need for that.
Hijack Linux System Calls: Part II. Miscellaneous Character Drivers
We all know what device drivers are - the hands of the operating system that make it possible for the kernel to handle hardware. We also know that there are two types of devices - character and block, depending on the way they handle data transmissions, but what does "miscellaneous" device mean? To put it simple - it means what it means. On one hand, this may be a driver that handles simple hardware, on the other hand, it is the way Linux allows us to create virtual devices, as one of the ways to communicate with kernel modules, which is exactly what we need in order to hijack Linux System Calls.

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