System Programming Blog
2023-02-07 09:31:00
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
May 4, 2023
It's been several years since I posted anything interesting here, and I think I owe some explanation to my respected audience. This has been a sort of re-evaluation period for me (some say it's the 40's crisis :) ), but let me skip all the general blabbing and get to the technical side right away.
May 3, 2023
Crowdfunding itself is not new to anyone. However, we are trying to bring it to a new level of accessibility, usability, and cost-effectiveness.
March 17, 2018
Having published my first book last October, I plead guilty to checking the stats on Amazon, perhaps a bit too often. The good in it is that it also gives me the opportunity to look for books that would be interesting for myself. This was when I came across the “Understanding and Using C Pointers: Core Techniques for Memory Management” by Richard M Reese. The first thought was “why would someone write an entire book on a thing like pointers?” But then, thinking to myself that books are not written for merely having been written, I took a glance at the free sample and took some time to read the comments.
March 6, 2012
A couple of days ago, I saw that someone was looking for a way to load and use fake KERNEL32.dll and I realized that this information has not yet been covered here. There is no source code for this article as I am a bit short on time to write it, but I will do my best to provide as much information as possible so, those who would want to try it would have no problem doing that.
March 4, 2012
I was recently digging through my sources and came across a small ANN (artificial neural network) library I wrote several months ago in 64 bit Intel Assembly language (FASM syntax) and decided to share it with my respected readers hoping that it may be useful in some cases.