System Programming Blog
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
Showing 5 posts for tag 'virtual machine'
Emulation of Hardware. CPU & Memory
There are tens of hardware platforms (although, some people would say that there is only one - computer ;-) ). Each one has its own advantages over others and disadvantages as well. For example Intel is the most used platform for desktops, ARM and MIPS are widely used in embedded systems and so on. Sometimes, a need may arise to test/debug executable code written for platform other then the one you have access to. For example, what if you have to run ARM code while using Intel based desktop?
Passing Events to a Virtual Machine
Virtual machines and Software Frameworks are an initial part of our digital life. There are complex VM and simple Software Frameworks. I did my best to describe the way VM code may interact with native code and the Operating System, however, the backwards interaction is still left unexplained. This article is going to fix this omission.
Simple Runtime Framework by Example
These days we are simply surrounded by different software frameworks. Just to name a few: Java, .Net and, actually, many more. Have you ever wondered how those work or have you ever wanted or needed to implement one? In this article, I will cover a simple or even trivial runtime framework.
Simple Virtual Machine
In computing, Virtual Machine (VM) is a software implementation of either existing or a fictional hardware platform. VM's are generally divided into two classes - system VM (VM which is capable of running an operating system) and process VM (the one that only can run one executable, roughly saying).

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