System Programming Blog
This blog is dedicated to low level programming in Assembler and C/C++ (although, C++ is unwelcome) in either *Nix or Windows based operating systems.
Showing 2 posts for tag 'threads'
Linux Threads Through a Magnifier - Remote Threads
Sometimes, a need may rise to start a thread in a separate process and the need is not necessarily malicious. For example, one may want to replace library functions or to place some code between the executable and a library function. However, Linux does not provide a system call that would do anything similar to CreateRemoteThread Windows API despite the fact that I see people searching for such functionality.
Linux Threads Through a Magnifier: Local Threads
Threads are everywhere. Even now, when you browse this page, threads are involved in the process. Most likely, you have more than one tab opened in the browser and each one has at least one thread associated with it. The server supplying this page runs several threads in order to serve multiple connections simultaneously. There may be unnumbered examples for threads, but let us concentrate on one specific implementation thereof. Namely, Linux implementation of threads.

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